Reasons why I should blog again...

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I love my grandparents!

Every Tuesday night I have been visiting my grandparents and spending a few hours with them. I just have to proclaim that I LOVE it and I have been learning soooooo much. Tonight my grandmother taught me how to make jam. She is an expert! We first took all of the nuts from the apricots and then smashed them making a very gooey mess. Then we boiled them and added pectin and lemon juice and lots of sugar. Grandpa came in to help us stir as well as he brought up more sugar. It was super funny because grandpa keep telling grandma what to do and she kept muttering about how she was the one who taught him how to can and that lady that said...wasn't born until she had been canning for 20 years and ect. It is fun to see how they interact together adn how much they love each other still! Grandma told me about how she would do dishes with her father and he would wash and she would wipe. She said that if she ever saw that he didn't clean a spot he would say and what kind of good wiper can't clean that off ;). I have already gained some really great memories with grandma and grandpa---looking at their wedding album with the card that was ripped from the side of a paper bag and grandpa laughing so hard his eyes teared, grandpa eating ice cream and a protein shake after every meal, and grandma so proud of her newly decorated kitchen. Did you know grandpa was baptized in the Manti temple? ---Pretty cool stuff. Plus I am finding out things that I do that grandma does too: she likes her cookies on the well done side, she drinks water from the tap becasue she doesn't like it that cold, and she loves apricot jam on her pancakes!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

amature photographer

A big part of my job at the ISSR is to take pictures of the wildlife that I see. I am quite an amature but I have been taking some really good pics lately and I thought I would share them with ya'll. It is really fun to finally get a really nice camera to use and a lot of time to experiment--ENJOY! (if anyone wants prints contact me--wink wink)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

the 4th of July

Starting the day off with Flag PANCAKES!!...
a little badmitten in Kawanis Park...
...I won in the "how close can you hit the ball to the flag" contest. Note: view the sweet hat I am wearing above to see my price...watching fireworks...WOOT

HAWAII May 22-26 2007

YAY for Hawaii! Cody and I had a wonderful time. It was a really informative trip (for me-- I'm pretty sure I figured out what I want to do my thesis on) and we both had an amazing time! Plus we are even more MADly in LoVE! ...such a romantic place! We stayed on the Kona side of the Big Island. Did you knwo that the Big Island of Hawaii has 11 of the 13 climates on the world..pretty amazing place!

This is a candid photo of me in the confrence... being a very good girl.My poster and I
after scuba...


Cody almost to the top...Preston Brown (a friend I picked up) Cody and me
SUNBURN!!! --that's what he gets for laying out with out me! ;)