Reasons why I should blog again...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So Cody has been conducting surgery in our home lately and from what I hear he needs a lot more practice :)
Thanks for the game Devo!


vfg said...

It took me scrolling through the blog twice to note that Cody is playing the game, not getting out tools for an actual operation.

Because I remember Devo did the real thing to practice.

On himself, of course.

Myk said...


Jones Family said...

Hey! It's Julie Jones, Chesley's wife. I stumbled across your blog on Tyler and Jenn's bog. You have the cutest family!

Jones Family said...

If you want to check out our blog, I have it set to private but email me your address and I can add you: I hope all is well!

vimahi said...

want to see baby pictures!!!